Friday, 8 March 2013

I'm a personal wellness coach:)


Alhamdulillah..I'm officially known as Herbalife Independent Distributor...

Bagi ayu, mengenali Herbalife dan orang2nya yang subhanallah, luar biasa, banyak buat ayu berfikir dan muhasabah diri.

Walaupun kebanyakan Herbalife people dalam team ayu bawah 30 tahun ke bawah (Gen H) dan ada yang still lagi student, tapi Masya Allah, kebanyakan mereka sangat serius dengan kehidupan dan tanggungjawab mereka...Jauh berbeza masa ayu student dulu....Banyak buang masa dengan lepak2, tengok movie, sembang2 yang ntah pape....

Bukan hanya dengan menjadi fisioterapis sahaja yang dapat bantu orang, tapi Herbalife Indepedent Distributor juga.Alhamdulillah, sorang pak cik yang ayu coach dah berjaya turun berat badan 7 kg dalam mase seminggu!!Subhanallah...

"Thanks Allah for giving me this opportunity to join Herbalife....It means a lot to me...

There was one period when I felt so lonely....A period which forced me to deactivate my previous fb account before becoz i was dissapointed by some people....I cried on days and nights...

And there was the time, Allah opened my heart when my friend, Kak Nana invited me to go to Spectacular 2013...I knew nothing about Herbalife....But then, Allah showed me something....

Everyone has their own value....Everyone is somebody....And everyone was born to be suceed!

Since then I realized, why I should waste my life with no vision? And now, I know, what Allah plans, is the best for me! I'm looking forward for my vision,no matter how hard the way is, insha Allah:)  "

Doa2kanlah saya...Insha Allah malam ni akan bertolak ke Melaka to join my team untuk training program. Saya amik 2 hari cuti kerja (Sabtu dan Ahad) dan Alhamdulillah, doktor luluskan cuti walaupun pada asalnya dia tak benarkan...

Praise to Allah:')

p/s: Are you serious want to lose weight? gain weight? improve health? or gain EXTRA MONEY????Contact me now and ask me how:)

Invest money for a good nutrition now..Or you will invest them for treating your diseases...Choose now!


Chic Na said... Reply To This Comment

tahniah ayumi & good luck! ;)

fardhila fawwazy blogspot said... Reply To This Comment

wah!lama xjenguk sni..dh jd ejen herbalife rupenya..gudluck:)

Miss Volvo said... Reply To This Comment

semoga maju jaya :)

are_lin@yu said... Reply To This Comment

produk herbalife mmg bagus kan..

CikTeddyCorner said... Reply To This Comment

wah..makin ramai syorkan produk ni..nnti fikir dulu camne =D

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